
 Housebound now, I do a lot of Zoom and Phone Meetups. I moderate 2 groups on Wednesdays for Sunshine Centre for Seniors, especially the Short Story Club / I've just Joined North York Centre for Seniors. I take classes and attend the chat groups for the Wiccan Church of Canada I also contribute to and help run the Facebook page for Junction Writers Group here in Toronto


 I use Zoom weekly for: 1. Sunshine for Seniors Coffee, Tea and Chat - which I moderate for one hour on Wednesday mornings. 2. Sunshine for Seniors Short Story Club - which I moderate for one hour on Wednesday afternoons. I bought a domain name and created a website for that / 3. Junction Writer's Forum every 2nd Monday where I read stories of others and submit some of my own. 4. Family Services Toronto every other week where I kibitz on the social workers and their online clients in an open forum where I may be the only cheerful voice. 5. Toronto Bead Society about once a month. 6. EMCC where we are now having hybrid meetings centered on the Imperial Pub in downtown Toronto. And so it goes....


 Taking a Blogging and Podcasting course at G.A.L.E. with Richard Mansfield.   I've done both for years but there is always something new to learn. It's free with my Library Card from the Toronto Public Library. Myself, the persistent Blogger Since then I have taken a G.A.L.E. Course on Editing and, later this month, I'll be starting a Course on submitting articles to magazines.  My Udemy WordPress Course has been useful and continues. I'm watching LinkedIn videos on HTML and WordPress, also through my e-learning via my library card.

Sunshine Short Story Club

 Still doing Zoom Meetings.  I facilitate 2 on Wednesdays for Sunshine Centre for Seniors here in Toronto. The website is Free Zoom Reading Club for Seniors, 55 years of age and older in Ontario. Listen with us to classic public domain short stories, then discuss. Wednesday Zoom Meetings last one hour, from 2:00 pm until 3:00 pm Contact us  for information The Sunshine Short Story Club is a peer-led gathering of friendly 55+ seniors. We meet Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Zoom to listen to and discuss public-domain and free-to-read stories, ranging from classic tales to modern science fiction. See our current and upcoming stories on our website.

Salad Time

 Starting to crop my Click and Grow lettuce and basil daily. The tiny tomato plant has a blossom but until and 2nd blossom show up I cannot be the bee and pollinate. My Aerogarden has just started a little garden of varied lettuces and salad plants. Going to be a green Summer :-)

My Cat - Tubby

My Click and Grow hydroponic unit is not yet ready for prime time, so here's a picture of my cat, Tubby.  He is a very smart boy.  

Hydroponic Petunias

  My Petunias, on the other hand, have been flourishing for over a year and I bought those seeds from a local Canadian seed company.  I do have to trim them regularly to prevent overgrowth.